OpenPTrack at MCN 2016, New Orleans

On November 3, UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies PhD students Randy Illum and Christine Lee presented OpenPTrack at the Museum Computer Network (MCN)’s annual conference in New Orleans, LA. Their presentation, Body Tracking Technology and Play Based Learning for Science Education, introduced OpenPTrack and the ongoing work of the STEP and iSTEP projects, which use the platform to investigate how embodied play among elementary school students can help them understand scientific phenomena, e.g., the complex behaviors of bees.

Founded in 1967, MCN serves the cultural heritage community, representing a wide range of information professionals from hundreds of cultural sector institutions. Each year, the MCN conference explores topics of relevance to museum practitioners working with, or affected by, digital media and technology. MCN 2016, The Human-Centered Museum, focused on how museums can use technology to emphasize inclusion, accessibility, and agency, from a diverse range of perspectives.

Prior to the conference, lllum and his work with students at UCLA Lab School, using OpenPTrack for art-making, were featured in an article on the UCLA Education & Information Studies website.  


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